JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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18 entries this month

07:50 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 793

You were right. You will bathe in my blood. You will be the end of me. You will be the one to slay a God. You're the only one I ever loved and you stabbed me in my heart. Thanks Hortencia. You'll remember me everytime you smile, everytime you cry. You'll remember me when you're sleeping and when you're awake. You'll remember my undying love and how you blew it. I hope you find your happiness because you were always mine.

Heart Break Pictures, Images and Photosheartbreak Pictures, Images and Photosheartbreak Pictures, Images and PhotosHeartbreak Pictures, Images and Photos



18:23 Jan 30 2010

Hello Justin. You dont know me, but from what Ive read, you seem to be confused with this chick. She hurts you, she pops up now and then. I looked back and you were together way back when. Best medicine for broken heart? Booze, a one night stand, and then find yourself a nice girl who actually cares about you and wants to be with you. Not one that wants to hurt you. Just my advice, but I dont know what happened so I wont presume. :) peace out.

05:30 Jan 31 2010

While that may sound like the easy way out, I won't nor can I make it that simple. When you love someone as much as I love her you simply can't turn your back on that love. We don't choose who we love. I've never regreted loving her and I never will. I still love her now and I always will. I'll never stop loving her.

22:45 Feb 05 2010

Sound clingy. Not romantic. But thats just me.

01:38 Feb 06 2010

Obviously you've never been in love with someone. Clingy is the unreasonable need for unlimited attention. Being in love with someone is the desire to have them in your life forever. The desire to spend the rest of your life with that person. I'm sorry you've never loved anyone like I do. It must really suck.

17:57 Feb 12 2010

If she doesnt love you back, the next step is stalker. I have loved like that. I DO love like that. But only people that can love me back. Otherwise, your just a creep.

20:40 Feb 12 2010

Then I don't recall asking you to read my journal. If you have loved like that then you know how it feels. And she does love me back, she just doesn't always show it but when she does it's more intense then fire. I'm not stalker. I don't follow people around or need to know where they are at all times. I just care about this girl more then you could even imagine. She can leave whenever she wants and I'm not going to follow her. I don't need your understanding, I don't need your support and I sure as hell don't need your advice. Thanks but no thanks.

21:51 Feb 13 2010

Aside from your overdone praise of her, i have no idea why she would like you. Your arrogant, delusional and very patsy. -Shadow signing out

00:06 Feb 14 2010

Because I'm the fucking shit that's why. Every bit of arrogance is deserved. :D


07:39 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 799

Hortencia broke my heart. I have no love. I have no trust. I have nothing. I've always loved her and I always will. Nothing will change that. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be on this site. I have nothing to really give to it and it has nothing for me anymore. I'm not even really sure how long I'll be alive...




06:39 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 807

Well I hope you're happy. I lost a friend because of you. Thanks.



06:51 Jan 30 2010

well you lost a girlfriend because of her so guess it evens out no?

07:01 Jan 30 2010

No, if I lost a girlfriend it's because she's so fucking full of herself she can't imagine a male having friends outside of her. You blew the best thing that's ever happend to you.


05:19 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 811

If my blood shall spill be it of love and not malace. If my veins are peirced be it by the flames of honesty and not by the acts of a coward. If my body is to decease may my death be that of a hero for I loved like no other before me and no other after me as well.




03:21 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 813

Ima go watch Angels and Demons and maybe the Covenant. If you guys need me hit me up on messenger if you have my addy. If not then you're shit out of luck. Leave a message after the beep.




Present Thoughts and Mild Ramblings 1.2

00:38 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 817

So I've been thinking and I really hate fake people. I hate people who claim to be something and then turn out to be the complete oppisit. Like some people on here have little sayings in their profile like "I hate liars" and then they turn out to be one. Or "I'm open to new ideas" yet they wouldn't change their mind on something really simple. I hate it when someone does that. It's like, why build up all this bruhaha only to turn out to be someone you're not? It's like misrepresenting a peice of merchandise. It should be illegal. Oh and I hate nosebleeds and happy dreams when I shouldn't be happy. Those piss me off too. But then again, I should really just embrace the dream because 1) That's probably what it'll stay. A dream. and 2) Because she seems super happy without me so I should try and be happy as well. Maybe I'll just hide under my old false visage. Go around smiling and such when really my soul is blacker then OJ. Yeah, I said it. Those who know me know I'm not racist and those who don't should take the word of those who do because really who the fuck are you to judge anyway? That's like Shaq bitching to someone about not hitting a free throw. Or Kobe telling people not to rape. Or Balloon Boys dad telling people he's honest. Completly irrational. Then again, what the hell in this world is rational besides me. I'm out. Enjoy your day peeps.




23:50 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 820

I woke up with a massive nosebleed today. It was a good thing though because I hated the dream I was having. It hurt too much to remember those times. Anyway, it bled for like a fucking hour nonstop and that sucked. I'm sure no one wants to read about that but I feel like writting about it so fuck off. Last night I couldn't sleep so I stayed up watching TruTV. They had a forensic files marathon or something cause it was on for like 4 hours. Anyway, today is going to be a good day. I got a feeling and if it isn't? Too bad, I won't accept that. I've got enough extra time to dick around with the day until it suits me. Too bad it'll never be a truely happy day today. Regardless though I'll do my best. I always do.




08:16 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 825

Just got the last two trophies in God of War 2. Now I have 100% in both. Who's your daddy? I've always wanted to say that lol. That was super fun and I'll probably play through both again since I have loads of free time now. It's not that I want free time but whatever. I don't really care right now. When you grow up you know where to find me. Until then, have fun. I'm out guys. I'll be on tomorrow rating like a mofo. Peace.




Check out my portfolio

05:40 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 832

I recently got a new camera so I can do one now. Check it out if you get a chance. It's just random pics and what not of me and shit I like. All the ones I'll put up were either taken by me or I'm in them. I'll add more tomorrow. I'll have free time so I'll do it then. Peace.



06:23 Jan 29 2010


Erm.. yeah... Very nice pictures. I still say you look older than you are. :]


05:04 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 834

Okay so apparently I'm not allowed to say "fuck you" to someone who told me the exact same thing on the phone last night. I'm so fucking stupid. I expected things to change. I expected the double standards to end. I expected too much. I should have known. I should have fucking known and I didn't. What a dumb ass. Well I got news for you love. I'll say what I want and until you stop saying "fuck you" to me, I'm not going to stop saying it to you. Grow up and act your age or be an emo little kid. It's all up to you.




03:47 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 839

Jesus Christ on Ice Skates! I'm fucking sick of drama. Especially fucking drama that's retarted. If you say something wrong to someone, you correct it right? Especially if that person takes something negatively because of how you worded it am I wrong? But no, some people just assume you'll decipher it and come out with the same solution they did regardless of how mixed up the sentence is. I can't read minds. That's the super power I'd want if I could have one. That way I wouldn't have to have riddles with anything like this. I could just visualize your answer and then maybe just maybe you and I could get along again like before. God I fucking miss those days and if I get on here and read a comment about how I should "try harder" and "be more understanding" or that I should "be more accepting" I'll fucking punch something or someone. Whichever the fuck comes first.




Present thoughts and mild rambling 1.0

09:23 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 847

Have you ever felt like your looks didn't add up to your partners expectations? I've felt that a lot lately. That my looks don't add up. I mean yeah, over the past year I've gained a little weight. Who hasn't? I'm still the same person I was though. I'm still caring, I'm still attentive. I'm still loving. I'm still honest. I'll accept you regardless of how you look because to me beauty is on the inside. I don't care if you're 100lbs or 1000lbs I'm going to treat you exactly the same as the next guy. I haven't changed. So for anyone out there who is feeling this way I tell you this. If the person you're with can't deal with how you look, Fuck em. I'm a goddamned good person and I bet a lot of you reading this are too. I'm not being emo. I'm not making a big deal out of something small. I'm speaking my mind and to be honest, it feels damned good.




23:05 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 849

So I finished God of War 1 the other day. Got all the trophies. There's one where you have to finish the whole game in under 5 hours? I managed to make it in 3 hours and 13 minutes. I felt pretty proud. It's really not that hard when you use the cow suit. Yeah, I know, retarted looking but the cow has infinate magic and so not only does the red orbs rack up with posidans rage but that spell alone can kill 95% of the enemies in one or two casts. So, anyway, 100% of the trophies and the hardest part was level 8 on the Challange of the Gods. After that I was awarded the Platinium Trophy. GO ME!




22:51 Jan 24 2010
Times Read: 856

I can't freaking win for losing. Either I'm not doing my part, I'm being a prick, I'm not telling someone something or I did something I shouldn't have. Why can't the world have a little button you can press and make everything alright? Just one button that would make you go from emo to happy again in that instant. Oh, how nice a button like that would be. Someone should totally invent that...





22:10 Jan 19 2010
Times Read: 880

Help my friend Nicole reach world domination by voting for her profile in the profile contest. VOTE FOR TINNU!



22:15 Jan 19 2010

Haha, that's sweet but totally not required. People will vote for me if they want to, and if they don't, well, I don't mind. :]

22:30 Jan 19 2010

I knows but you deserve to win so I want to use my miniscule influence to get you a vote or two from people who wouldn't normally vote? So in laymans terms YOU ROCK! So don't argue. ;)


03:44 Jan 16 2010
Times Read: 887

Hooray! I finally finished MGS4. I was stuck for AGES but I finally swallowed my pride and looked it up online. After that it was pretty straight forward. I got an Eagle rank for headshots. Felt proud until I read somewhere that if you've played any of the following games Resistance, Killzone 2, or CoD: Modern Warfare then headshots should come super easy. -.- I've played all of those games but I still find it challanging to shoot a soldier in the head while they're jumping off of walls or rolling out of the way. Maybe it's just me. I love that game though and I'll probably do another play through after I finish the God of War Collection on ps3. I've finished them both on ps2 but I want trophies. I'm a trophy nazi. XD




22:05 Jan 13 2010
Times Read: 896

Two days ago I finished Assassins Creed 2. That game is badass but there's one catch. There's like 400 treasure chests and I was missing like 100 of those. At first I thought "Ah, I rented it so once I buy it I'll just get them then" but I keep dreaming about it lol. I dreamed about it twice last night as a matter of fact. Ezio was running through Venice looking for those red and yellow glowing boxes. And then don't even get me started on the paintings. Ahh! You're supposed to buy one from Florence and one from Venice to get a trophy? I have all of them from Florence and all of them from Venice and did I get a trophy? No! And I was looking forward to do that one because I like art and collecting the paintings was something I made of a higher priority then my weapons and armor. Oh well, I'll figure it out. Worst case scenario I start over and get it when I buy the paintings again. Sometimes playstation frustrates me. Then I remember about the RROD and I'm like *smiles* I love my ps3 lol



23:01 Jan 13 2010

I clock it in two days. Also 100% complete=-)

03:07 Jan 14 2010

It's an awesome game though. Visually.



01:39 Jan 13 2010
Times Read: 902

Today my friend Nicole gifted me a premium membership for a month. That's fucking badass! I've never had a premy before and so it's going to be a fun experience. It's good to have awesome boss friends like her. People like that know how to make you feel like your friendship is valued and then when she does things like the dragon in the christmas card and the premy membership now? I feel super special. Thanks Nicole, YOU FUCKING ROCK!



06:09 Jan 13 2010

You are special. I tell you that time and time again. But, you're very welcome. :]

23:19 Jan 23 2010

And you use to think i was the only one who said you were special now you know im not hte only who thinks that.

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